C# Overview For Beginners

What is C#?

C# (C Sharp) is a modern, object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft to create Enterprise level applications. It is built on top of .NET Framework. It is also called as Microsoft Visual C#. In the Visual Studio .NET suite, C# is called as Visual C#. C# has evolved from Microsoft C and C++.

What is a program?

A program is a set of instructions given to a computer to perform a specific task. These programs are written using a programming language. C# is one such programming language.

Why you should learn C#?Where is C# used? 

C# is a simple language. If you learn C# then you can develop powerful applications for Mobile phones, Websites, Tablet computers, Embedded systems (including Robotics) and Desktop computers. Don't worry if you are new to the programming world or a beginner in C#. This tutorial will teach you the basics of C# programming with code examples. The tutorials have been developed in such a way that anyone can understand and learn from it.

Important features of C#

Following are the important features of C#:
  • Type safety
  • Data types
  • Object Oriented Programming Structure (OOPS)
  • Auto Garbage Collection
  • Threading
  • Operators
  • Arrays and Collections
  • LINQ and Lambda expressions
  • Indexers.
  • Delegates.
  • Properties and events.
  • Exception handling.
  • Generics.
  • Versioning.

If you do not understand the above terms then don't worry about it. As you move forward in this tutorial you will gradually have an understanding of the above.

How to write a program in C#.net: A sample C# program

Let's see how a program looks like. Below is a sample program written using C# language.
    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            int x = 2;
            int y = 3;

            Console.WriteLine("Sum of x and y is {0}", x + y);

Sum of x and y is 5

In the interest of our valued readers throughout this tutorial we have provided c sharp programs with output.

Who this Tutorial is for?

This tutorial is for people who want learn how to program in C#. So this is mainly a C# tutorials for beginners. However, people with all type of expertise can gain from these tutorials. We have provided enough examples where appropriate. 

Hope you enjoyed and found some value in this post. Keep learning and enjoy this Dot net and Csharp tutorial site.

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