C# Queue Tutorial For Beginners With Examples

Queue is a type of collection in which the item stored first is retrieved first. This behaviour is also called as FIFO i.e. First In First Out.
Inserting an item into a Queue is called as Enqueuing and removing an item is called as Dequeuing.

Important features of C# Queue class

Below are some of the important features of a Queue class.
  • Null values can be stored in Queue.
  • Duplicate values can be stored in Queue.
  • It has both generic and non-generic versions.

Create a Queue in C#

A Queue can be created by using the below code.
    Queue serviceStation = new Queue();

Add items to a C# Queue

To add items to a Queue the Enqueue method is used.

Remove items from a C# Queue

To remove items from a Queue the Dequeue method is used.
Since it follows the FIFO pattern so the items added first to the queue will be removed first.

Foreach loop to access items in a C# Queue

To access all the items stored in a Queue a foreach loop can be used.
    Queue serviceStation = new Queue();

    foreach (object obj in serviceStation)
        Console.WriteLine("Item: " + obj);
Item: A
Item: B
Item: C

Methods and Properties of a C# Queue

Commonly used methods of a Queue are:
ClearRemoves all the items from a Queue.
ContainsDetermines whether an item is present in a Queue.
PeekGets the first item present in the beginning of a Queue without removing it.
EnqueueAdds an item to the end of a Queue.
DequeueRemoves the first item present in the beginning of a Queue.
Commonly used properties of a Queue are:
CountReturns the number of items present in a Queue.

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